Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I'm starting a new tradition. Every Thursday I want to list at least 5 things from the week that I'm thankful for. They can be simple or complex, vague or specific. Just 5 things that I have in my life to be thankful for.

1. A clean house -- I came home from work today to find the house clean. The carpet had been vacuumed, the kitchen swept and mopped, the dishes washed, the toys put away. My dh had been busy before work. His goal - to give me a night with less to do so I could enjoy some down time. He is so wonderful. I still straightened a few things up, like my sewing table, put a few things away, miscellaneous things from the wedding, and worked on laundry (after a few attempts that resulted in wet clothing being left in laundry baskets, he has been banned from laundry), but overall it has been a relaxed restful evening.

2. A job I love -- This is so wonderful. I enjoy my job every day. I go to work knowing that that day will be different from the day before. The patients will provide new challenges and new successes. The procedures will provide a new way of performing my job. And the girls I work with are wonderful. It is 8 women working closely together to achieve a common goal. As I'm sure you can imagine, there are irritations, strife, and discord. But when the going gets tough, we band together as any good team will. I think it would be better with a male dentist to give us a sense of men against women, but we still band together. Plus I'm off my probationary period which means no more ridiculous standards I have to uphold that no one else has to.

3. Financial stability -- It is a wonderful feeling to know that the bills are paid before they are due and I have enough money to buy a few things to make our new home a little more homey.

4. Alexis -- I love my daughter. Every day she becomes a little bit different and I'm so proud of the girl she is becoming. Currently she has Awanas every Wednesday night. She loves it. She loves learning about God and the person God wants her to be. In the fall she starts tumbling because she doesn't care for tap. She wants to start girl scouts. She loves to read. She loves to write. She rides her bike like a champ. She is caring and motherly, always wanting to help the child who is sad or needs help. She is strong and sure, she knows who she is and what she likes and doesn't apologize for it. She is a blessing every day of the year.

5. My family -- My dh, my dd, my parents, my siblings. They are all such a central part of my life that I can hardly be thankful for anything less. You notice that, other than work, they are a part of everything I am thankful for. My parents have raised me to be the best I can be. My older sister is always there for me, any time day or night, and is always trying to help me be the best mom, wife, daughter, and sister that I can be. My younger sister reminds me to make the most of life and remember to stop and smell the flowers, and maybe make a daisy chain or put one in my hair while I'm at it. My brother, even if he's a pain part of the time, is loyal to a fault.

With so much to be thankful for is it any wonder I say I love my life?

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